Summer Introductions Part II: Iya Jackson
Meet Iya, Summer Artist Mentor
My name is iya jackson, I'm 23 years old and I'm arriving in Baltimore by way of my hometown, Little Rock, Arkansas. I served as photo editor for Prospective newspaper. during my time on the prospective staff, I competed in Arkansas Scholastic Press Association's artistic carry-in (first place), newspaper photo essay (superior rating), Josten's photo contest (two honorable mentions) and Arkansas Press Women News photograph (honorable mention).
Attending Gloria Shields NSPA media workshop in Dallas, Texas and National Scholastic Press Association in Indianapolis, Indiana—coupled with personalized instruction from award-winning journalists, teachers, and photographers—encouraged me to develop my own personal style of photography. after completing my first photo project highlighting students resisting within a predominantly white institution, I went on to act as photo editor for The Observer in New Orleans, Louisiana.
In 2020, I began my own gender journey and search for community, and ultimately, family. gender is more than meets the eye–even in a photograph. This was a turning point for myself and my artwork. Intimate, colorful portraits when paired with archival works allow a glimpse into my community. a sight of honesty, freedom & care that gently contradicts the cruelty this world offers us. The continued evolution of myself, my loved ones, and the communities that surround me is the inspiration and purpose of my work.
I chose Baltimore Youth Arts to help bring my time in education full circle. I have worked full-time in elementary schools since 2017. As I transition from this kind of work, I've always dreamed of being someone who teaches young people photography. Photography was my first love and introduced me to a new way of understanding my world. It's empowering to do this for other young people. In the future, I hope to continue working with young people and present my own collection of works in galleries, pop-up events, and books.
Favorite quote: “nothing i accept about myself can be used against me to diminish me. i am who i am, doing what i came to do, acting upon you like a drug or a chisel to remind you of your me-ness, as i discover you in myself.” - audre lorde