Council Member Kya S. Reflects on Career Readiness

BYA Council Member, Kya S.

Kya and Brady discussing Career Readiness reflection.

“ My name is Kya and I am 16 years old. My plans after high school insist on going to an art college outside of Baltimore, starting my own business for my art, and pursue acting.

In career readiness, I have learned the importance of confidence in large spaces. The world that we live in consumes us with anxiety, depression, violence, etc. We have to know our worth and be proud of ourselves. Mr. Brady and Gisell taught us about public speaking. It was a great lesson for me because I have really bad anxiety when I speak in large settings.

After learning about the importance of representing myself confidently, I could talk to my principal. The concerns of students were being neglected by administrators and teachers. I took a chance to stand up for myself and my peers by voicing our concerns to the principal. Thanks to the session we had, I was able to speak up and calm my nerves. Whenever I feel nervous, I will carry this with me.

The one-on-one goal-setting meeting that I have with Mr. Brady allows me to set future goals for myself. I can meet these goals in a week, month, a year, etc. The goals I have set for myself are improving my mental health, budgeting my money, searching for art schools, and bringing my physics grade up

The plan to achieve these goals comprises not giving up, don’t procrastinate, and not allowing myself or others to push that certain goal away.

Brady has helped me with my goal setting by meeting with me every week. In these week-by-week meetings, he helps me set my goals. He gives me words of encouragement and gives me room to improve. He’s a shoulder to lean on.”