Meet Tife! BYA's New Graphic Design Facilitator

Tife is an Animator, Illustrator, and Designer expatriated from Nigeria and based in NYC. He has worked professionally for almost 5 years as a Freelance Digital Artist for both private clients and small businesses.

In addition to Facilitating Graphic Design classes for BYA, Tife is in his final year MFA program in Digital Animation and Visual Effects. He hopes to continue his career as a CG Generalist with a specialization in Character Animation within the Music Tech and Apparel Industry. 

Tife Odumosu Profile photo.jpg

What do you enjoy about working with/teaching youth?

 There have been several turning points throughout my life that really ...when a teacher/professor introduced me to an idea or facilitated some growth that radically changed the way I thought and practiced something. Those moments are truly magical. 

 Each time I teach a class, I am confronted with the possibility of contributing to a spark that could transform any one of these youths towards a radical, positive change. That, to me, is the reward of working with these kids.

 What are you looking forward to in terms of working with BYA youth?

 I look forward to them creating work they can be proud of. After a while, in my profession, the moments when you look at your own work in awe and pride become fewer and farther in-between. These youth, are just discovering how talented they are and so with a little bit of guided effort, they are able to make work that could really blow them away. I find that to be a thrill.

Screenshot form Tife’s website above. View more:

Tife sits atop a plethora of creative skills in design, illustration, 2D and 3D animation, and even video production with an in-depth understanding of the tools and software involved: Adobe After Effects, Premiere, Illustrator, Maya, Zbrush, and so on.

 His professional tenacity and explosive creativity make him not only a dynamite team player executing his tasks with extraordinary skill and consistency but also an inspiring Director and Artist who wants to someday run an Animation Studio dedicated to telling African Folklore and Mythological stories.

 His magnetic personality and disarming charisma above all make him a true joy to be around and a motivating element to his friends and colleagues. Tife is fueled by gratitude and that sincerity augments his work and strengthens his professional and personal relationships.

View Tife’s work: