SAP in Spotlight: Ariana Young

Hello, my name is Ariana Young.  I am 14 years old and I am in 9th grade. I’ve been at BYA for 3 months. The classes I take at BYA are Drawing, Screen Printing, and Product development. In my classes, I am learning how to do things i’ve never tried before and how to make ideas into objects. My favorite project is The kitty cat patch. I choose this as my favorite because it started out as a pair of jeans but then I turned it into something entirely different. When I made my buttons and drawings I put my time and my effort into them. I was inspired by the photos in the magazines and how each one told a different story. I took what was most important in the photo and made it into a button.

For the drawing I made, it was inspired by a kids imagination and how they can see things in a different way than adults can. My favorite part of the Studio Apprentice Program is being able to create projects. I want to learn how to create more projects.


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