SAP in Spotlight: Aliya Cheeks

Hello, I am Aliya Cheeks. I am in the 10th grade. I’ve been at BYA for 2 months. The classes I take at BYA are Graphic Design, Screen Printing, and Product Development. In Graphic Design, I am learning about fonts and how to utilize different programs. In Screen Printing, I am learning to display art on shirts, bags, and paper. In Product Development I am learning to build my own product and make zines. My favorite project is called Free to be me. This inspired me because I feel free to be myself all the time. I am not afraid of any one opinion on me.  My favorite part of the Studio Apprentice Program is collaborating with my coworkers and bonding together while getting paid. I want to better my skills in Graphic Design. I am getting better at using photoshop.

This piece was inspired by Graphic Design. I Chose this quote because I can relate to it. I feel that it uplifts people and allow them not to be afraid to take chances.

This is a rebranding collaboration between Daniel and myself.

This is a rebranding collaboration between Daniel and myself.


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SAP in Spotlight: K'aree Lymon