SAP in Spotlight: Brittany Wilson

Hello, My name is Brittany Wilson and I am 17 in 12th grade. I’ve been at BYA for 2 months. The classes I take at BYA are Drawing, painting, product development, and career readiness.  In drawing I am learning the techniques, Color wheel, still life, and observation, In product design I am learning to create and design my own products. In career readiness I am learning skills that I will apply to my life outside of BYA. My favorite part of the Studio Apprentice Program is the drawing and painting class because it allows me to practice both observation drawing and painting skills. I want to learn how to draw a picture of something that I choose to draw.

This artwork is a humorous guide line to an existential crisis. A moment where you overthink and you can not stop thinking. I made it humorous because I like a lot of jokes. I wanted people to see a serious problem through a different lens. I used aliens because I do not believe humans are the only living creatures in the Galaxy. The Galaxy is so big. Aliens maybe do not know we exist just like some people may think they don’t


My favorite project is The painting I did of an exclamation mark. It’s not expertly done or extremely detailed but it really conveys my mood at the time I painted it.


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