BYA Career Readiness: Noah's Perspective

1. Describe the activities you did for career exploration and self during job readiness?

I researched jobs related to athletics. Among the jobs I found were athletic doctors, athletic program directors, and athletes in general. The more I learn about sports, the more fascinated I become. During class, I also discovered that sports will always have a place in my life. Even when I'm 60, I'll probably still be talking about sports in some way

2. What did you discover about yourself through these activities? 

I've always played sports and I'd like to learn more about it. By playing with better teams and exploring new places, you can see how much you have improved. 

3. What careers seem interesting to you and why?

I'm not sure right now. I don't think I'll pursue a career in the arts right now. I might become a Picasso five or ten years from now, though. I like to play basketball because it requires creativity. I like to create my own moves so that people remember me for them. Just as Allen Iverson is known for his crossover, I am also known for my through-the-leg crossover right now. 

4. If you do not plan on a career using your art, please tell me what career path you are considering, and how creativity can play into that line of work?

By guiding me in the right direction I'm able to get a stable job by learning how to talk to your boss, how to make a proper resume, and everything else to prepare me for my future. BYA will be useful for me now and down the road in that respect. 

5. What you are looking forward to getting the most out of BYA that will benefit what you want to do in the future?  Think beyond BYA.

Every week, we learn something new in class. It's been fascinating to learn about various kinds of art.