Meet Amelia!

Amelia Newett is an intern at BYA through the Community Impact Internship Program at Johns Hopkins University. Raised in Southern California, she has been based in Baltimore for four years and is continuing to plant her roots in the community. She is extremely excited to be working with BYA this semester and looking forward to all she can learn.

After attending an arts school for six years where she developed skills in visual art, theater, video production, and other mediums, she decided to focus her attention on creative writing. Amelia is currently a senior at Johns Hopkins where she is studying Writing Seminars and Social Policy. 


She strives to connect her love of writing, educating, and community as she prepares to begin working towards her M. Ed. When she’s not focused on writing or school work, she’s typically baking, taking virtual house tours, or video calling her parents to say hi to her dog.