Letter From the Director 1/28/2021
BYA Youth and Staff in Spring 2020 Session
Letter from the Director
January 28, 2021
To all of BYA’s supporters, friends, and family,
It has been 10 months since everyone at BYA shared space with one another. So much has happened in the past ten months that has shown the care, hatred, and strength that exists in this country. We have all lost so much, some more than others and it has been trying. I cannot tell you how hard BYA staff, instructors, and youth have worked to maintain connection to one another. Amidst school, loss, pregnancy, barriers to new systems, working from home with children, detention, community supervision, and the onslaught of news we have somehow managed to create a new way of being with each other.
The youth come through! Within such a difficult year we have seen them grow and expand on not only their skills but on their empathy and connection to one another. It is an honor to work with them and we look forward to continuing to do so.
We are still in the middle of a pandemic and because of that are remaining virtual until our community feels it is safe to meet in person. Read below for more information on what that looks like.
So, What are we doing?
Apprentice Payment
Apprentices are still being paid. Payment is determined by assignment completion. Apprentices can be in communication with their supervisor if any issues arise that prevent them from completing their assignments. As so many people are being laid off around the country, we wanted to hold up our contract with youth and ensure they were still getting paid.
Classes and Assignments
We have been running virtual programming each session (Summer 2020, Fall 2020, and now Winter 2021) using Google Classroom and Zoom.
In Summer 2020 we ran programming Monday-Friday from 10 am-2:30 pm. Youth participated in one of two groups, Game Design or Healthy Relationships. The items created in this session (a board game and publication) will be for sale in the next couple of months.
In Fall 2020, Apprentices worked with us from Monday-Thursday, between 4 pm-6:30 pm. Facilitators led classes in Graphic Design, Painting, Audio, Business, and career readiness.
Each session, participants are provided with the required materials needed to complete their work. This changes based on the program’s offerings.
In addition to materials, youth sign out an iPad for the quarter which each has Procreate, Adobe Spark, TableTopia, Zoom, Google Classroom, and Gmail pre-downloaded. Apprentices are also provided a stylus to use with these programs. See examples of work here. Thank you to the T. Rowe Price Foundation, Open Society Foundation, and the Baltimore Community Foundation for enabling us to provide supplies and equipment to Apprentices!
Community Meeting: Each week we have a community meeting over Zoom. Links will be sent through Google Classroom and email each Monday.
Weekly Check-Ins: Instructors and staff check-in with youth in the community meetings to see how young people are feeling, what resources are needed, and to answer any questions. Youth have the option of speaking one on one with staff if ever they need to do so.
Contacting us: At any time youth are able to contact us through Google Classroom as well as through email or by phone. If questions are asked outside of office hours, an answer may take some time. Please contact info@bmoreyoutharts.org with questions.
Newsletters: Each month we send out a newsletter to youth, parents/family, and BYA supporters. Sign up to receive information if you want to see what youth are working on!
Online Store
Ayana Hall, a member of BYA since 2019 worked alongside Gisell Paula, BYA’s Business Facilitator, to get our new online store up and running. The site will be updated with new products during our current session.
Our Work in the Juvenile Justice System
BYA was formerly at the Baltimore City Juvenile Justice Center three days a week facilitating Job Readiness and visual art classes as well as dialogue circles but we have had to suspend in-person programming due to the pandemic. In partnership with Restorative Response Baltimore, we are providing dialogue circles virtually, and hope to expand our offerings this year.
If you want more information on resources in the city, check out our resource page. Please email us anything you think should be added.
BYA has been closed since March 2020 and we deeply miss being in the same space as one another. We do not know when we will be able to meet safely in person again, but we are committed to figuring out how to maintain our mission and support young people both in detention and in the community. Take care of yourselves and your families.
Please reach out if you have any questions.
Gianna Rodriguez