SAP Spotlight : Ayana Hall

Ayana Hall is a 15 year old junior who's been working at BYA since summer 2019. She primarily uses digital art and makes character-based art and wants to study art in college to become a freelance artist.


“BYA has helped me to learn new skills like screen printing and how to manage a business. I also learned how to work with others to collaborate on large projects. The favorite thing that I’ve done at BYA is completing a mural for the office of public defenders.”

Mural designed during summer 2019 by Studio Apprentices

Mural designed during summer 2019 by Studio Apprentices

Through her time at BYA she's learned how to make a resume, practiced having successful interviews and believes she’ll be able to apply these skills she learned to future jobs. 

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While working at BYA, Ayana has worked at the Art Market at MICA. All Studio Apprentices have the opportunity to sell their work in the community at various events throughout the year. MICA’s Art Market was Ayana’s first time selling and managing products for customers. “It was a very unique experience for me that I believe will help me in the future”. 

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Ayana is currently working with BYA’s business instructor Gisell on redesigning our online store and learning e-commerce and building a website from scratch. She has been working on all aspects of the store, from typography to designing the website landing page. In Ayana’s words, “The BYA store offers a variety of youth made designs in the styles of illustration, graphic design and typography. Along with the designs with graphics, the store also has products with a greater message that promotes their mission of prison reform.”

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