Ariel Foster Visits Our Mixed Media Team


On July 23, 2019, Ariel Foster, a multidisciplinary artist running The Parlour on St. Paul, visited our Mixed Media Team at the BYA Studio. During her day here, she taught the team linoleum block printing her way. Typically, a printing press is needed in order to transfer the design from the linoleum block to the material being printed on, but Ariel prefers to use stepping and dancing instead. Her Ritmo Studio project uses the body, i.e. dancing, as an element in the printing process - which is exactly what she had our young people do!

First, create your own design by cutting into the linoleum blocks.

First, create your own design by cutting into the linoleum blocks.

Next, paint the entire linoleum block surface black. Lastly, place the linoleum block on the material you wish to print on and cover it with paper…and DANCE!

Next, paint the entire linoleum block surface black. Lastly, place the linoleum block on the material you wish to print on and cover it with paper…and DANCE!

I’ve seen this kind of art before and always thought it was cool. Actually getting to learn how to make it and making my own designs with it today was super fun. I would definitely do it again!
— Ariana Young, SAP

Throughout the day, the entire team printed on various different surfaces and even came together at the end to create a collage of all their designs on yellow fabric!

I really liked the collaboration part of it to make a much bigger work of art that none of us could have made without each other!
— Taylor Williams, SAP

Field Trip to the National Museum of African American History and Culture


Schroeder Cherry Visits Our Mural Team