SAP in Spotlight: Vihtori (V)

Hi! I’m Vihtori but you can call me V, and I am 19 years old and graduated! I’ve been at BYA for 3 weeks now and am in Bomin’s Mixed Media group. I chose this group because my background is in graphic design and printing, both of which I am certified at from Mergenthaler Vocational Technical High School (Mervo). At Mervo I mostly printed words directly on jacket and shirts and in my personal time I got into making fanmixes, for which I put together a compilation of songs inspired by a character pairing I create and illustrate for the cover of the compilation using graphic design (you can see a fanmix I worked on at BYA studio below). Now, I want to learn more about graphic design and printing and the many different ways to do both.

Bomin does a really great job as an instructor and we’ve done a lot so far. First week, we went to the Hostel International where we are painting a mural that represents Baltimore City (you can see me measuring the dimensions for the space we have in the picture below). We also went to Press Press where we designed book covers and then made spiral bound and perfect bound books that people can use and buy (you can see some of the books I made below). Second week, Mr. Kyle Yearwood visited us and taught us about motion graphic art (you can see him showing us his camera and how to take pictures below).

This past week our group was getting ready for artscape, which means putting together our designs and mock-ups for prints, shirts, and tote bags. I even got to help vend a lot of the art we made and free draw at the BYA stall at artscape! Check out some of my sketches and designs at artscape below: the first one is called Molting and is of an angel that is bleeding to show that nothing good can come without pain, the second one is more cute and of a dragon that is slumped with the phrase “Everyone Needs To Take Breaks Sometimes”

A lot of my art is inspired by two important things in my life: my partner and my identity as someone who is transgender. I use both as well as my interest in social issues around disabilities, mental health, and LGBT rights to advocate and make meaningful art. I am enjoying my time at BYA a lot because everyone here is really fun and I am learning how to market myself as an artist. You can follow me on instagram @cxmplexfeelings to find out more about my art and life!


Kyle Yearwood Visits Our Mixed Media Team


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