Waitlist Info FormPlease fill out the form below. BYA staff will then contact you/the young person to talk about enrollment.Email us at info@bmoreyoutharts.org with any questions Name * First Name Last Name Age * Birthday xx/xx/xxxx * School * Grade * Email * Guardian Phone Number * Guardian Email Any Other Ways We Can Contact Home Address * Lawyer Name and Email if Applicable Will you have internet access? * Yes No If no Wifi, will you be able to use data to get assignments and speak with BYA staff? Yes No Do you have a resume? * Yes No List some jobs you are interested in the future, or what you want to learn more about (i.e. mechanic, teacher, lawyer, etc.) Do you participate in any other activities or programs? If so, what are they? * If not currently home, expected returning date: Guardian Name How did you hear about us? Thank you!