Meet the Youth Advisory Board

BYA's Youth Advisory Board (YAB) is a group of BYA apprentices organized to guide the direction of BYA and advocate for larger systems change beyond the program. Together, YAB members influence org-wide decision making to be more youth centered and inclusive of youth wants and needs.

Below get to know the board members, their interests, and what they hope to achieve while on the board. Also, visit links to apprentice’s spotlights to learn more about the apprentices and view their work.

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Russell, senior at Cristo Rey Jesuit High School:

I joined the youth board because I wanted to bring more ideas [about projects and events] to the table and to make things more easier and fun. My future goals are to go to college and then become a music producer. I [enjoy playing] soccer, listening to music and love hanging out with friends. I love graffiti because it’s what I’ve seen since a little kid and it just amazes me. If your thinking about joining BYA…join because you won’t regret it!!!

Russell’s SAP Spotlight:

Ayana, senior at Baltimore School for the Arts:

I joined [the youth advisory board] because I wanted to be able to help out and bring more ideas to BYA. I hope that I can help to make others’ experience at BYA better in the future. I hope to become an animator and illustrator after going to college. My favorite mediums would be digital art and acrylic painting. I like to make art focused on characters, more often animals, because I like to figure out ways to give them personality and tell a story with them.

Fun fact: My favorite show is Gravity Falls.

Ayana’s SAP spotlight:

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Makaila, senior at Cristo Rey Jesuit High School:

I love being a part of the board and the BYA community in general. The interactions and people are always genuine. I joined the board to help voice the opinions of the youth in the program. I hope to make BYA’s apprentices and staff feel like they are in mind when changes are being made. I plan to go to college in hopes of pursuing a career that involves art. My favorite medium is paper illustration or digital illustration.

Makaila’s Spotlight:

Ezra, senior at Bard Early College:

I joined the board to contribute ideas and bring back BYA’s original mission. After high school, I hope to move out of Baltimore. My preferred medium is photography.

Fun fact: I love unity

Ezra’s spotlight:

Kya, junior at Baltimore Polytechnic Institute:

I want to be able to make apprentices feel safe about their feelings and make sure the apprentices are being corrected when they do something wrong. I want to bring more fun into the atmosphere [and] get to know everyone better. After high school I want to go to college and become a licensed psychologist. Then I want to be able to start selling my paintings and once I finish college I want to start dabbing into acting. I like to make cartoon art. I’ve always loved drawing or painting cartoon characters being they were so easy

Fun fact: I love watching murder mysteries (watch Bailey Sarian!)