Summer '21 Photography Class
Our second class of our Summer ‘21 session was photography with instructor Nathan. Read below to hear from Apprentices Ayana and Elijah about their experience this summer!
One of Elijah’s projects for photography class
Elijah described what he’s been learning this summer session, including “learning how to take photos, what [to do] to pictures to make it look better, and different photographers’ business planning.”
One of Ayana’s projects for photography class
Senior Apprentice Ayana added on, saying, “I learned about how to improve my photos and different methods to edit my photos, using the photo app, Adobe Lightroom, and Procreate. [In the future,] I’d be interested in learning about… other editing methods in Procreate. My favorite project was when we took abstract photos baed off of legends and myths. I liked this project because it was interesting to find weird ways to try and depict it. I liked that we were able to use multiple different types of photography with the different themes we chose, before being able to choose whatever we wanted for the final two series. This class has effected the type of work I do be making me think more about editing and how I can improve on my future works. With the things I learned in the photo class this session, I feel like I made some artworks that I was really proud of. One of my favorite techniques was called plating, where we layered multiple photos to create one.”