Spring 2021 Photography

Three of our apprentices share one of their projects from our Spring 2021 Photography class. Below they explain their inspiration.

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Ezra Morrow - “White Flower”

 [Inspired by the] Beauty of Nature. I just came across a flower bush and got the idea to take close ups. 

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Marcus Hall - “Untitled”

 [Inspired by] West Baltimore. We loved the layout of the church and the way the sunlight hit the cross.

Shaundi Stephenson - “Untitled”

My inspiration for this photo was my love for anime and art. I wanted to be able to combine things that i am passionate about in one photo.I choose to include a cup of paint brushes and paint with my figurine to add more detail to the figure and the reason why i was taking photos of it.I want people to see that i like and enjoy anime and painting so much that i combined the two.That anything can inspire you to create art. Anime can be a huge inspiration because each show has a completely different art style.