Learn about Podcasting at BYA!

We are continuing our podcasting class with resident artist Noor this spring session! Due to the extreme interest after last session, Noor has expanded the class for those who continue to create new episodes of their very own. 

When asked what it was that he liked about the class, apprentice Marcus Hall answered “I like about the class is this class is getting to create our very own podcast about whatever we want. What I like about the project is getting to record the podcast. The activities I like is getting to feed off everyone when we present our podcasts to the group to get feedback from the class.”

As the session continues, each week brings new skills pieces of the puzzle. Apprentice Chase Collurafici wrote that he is “looking forward to learning how to edit [his] podcast and upload it” and that the course is “teaching [him] new ways to use [his] phone.”

The class has certainly peaked interest with apprentices despite being a new artform to them. “This class has impacted what kind of art I want to make. It’s impacted me because it’s getting me out of my comfort zone and try something different.” wrote Marcus Hall. 

In response to the class as a whole, apprentice Juwon Briggs wrote “I love it.” With a few weeks left in the Spring Session, apprentices are hard at work completing their podcasts. Stay tuned for more information!

Artwork created by Marcus Hall for his podcast.

Artwork created by Marcus Hall for his podcast.