Get to Know Brady!

Brady Wheeler is the new Youth Opportunities Advisor for BYA. He’s teaching a course on career readiness in which youth will acquire skills that will prep them as they enter the workforce or continue their career journeys. Appealing to the post secondary schooling options and career interests of youth, Brady will use the course to teach resume creation.editing skills, interview based practices, and financial literacy and money management techniques. 


Having worked with youth organizations in the past, Brady is excited to start with BYA and collaborate with some of Baltimore’s best youth leaders. Learning from previous experiences, he’s frustrated with the ways policy governing the workforce marginalizes and stigmatizes so many young people as they are just beginning their career journeys. Brady is looking forward to working alongside BYA's young people to ensure future policy includes supporting youth in the workforce.

Brady comes to BYA from The Choice Program at UMBC where he worked as the Job Placement Coordinator. He is currently studying for a Master’s of Public Administration to better understand policy development and the role of nonprofits in bringing about justice. When not teaching or attending classes, he loves gardening, cooking and wrangling his hound dog puppy away from the Zoom screen during work calls. 

“Thank you for inviting me into BYA's community with open arms! Can't wait to get to work!” (Brady Wheeler)