From Apprentices to Interns: Part I

By Ezra Morrow

This session at Baltimore Youth Arts, former apprentices were given the opportunity to become interns. Each class has interns who assist instructors and explore new ways to expand BYA. 

Makaila is our career readiness intern and has been working at BYA for 3 years.  She joined because she enjoys individual projects and consistent tasks. Makaila focuses on the college process while also helping with resumes, cover letters, and talking about how the work force treats youth. Makaila is passionate about standing up for people who don’t have a voice. “BYA is helping youth in more ways than I knew, not only the youth that work here but those outside too.” 

Chazzon is one of the Career Readiness interns. Chazz joined BYA three years ago because he loves unity and creativity. He is assisting with resumes, cover letters, and self driven projects. Chaz is looking forward to teaching more teens. 

Marcus is also an intern for Foundations of Art. Marcus likes to express himself through art. As an intern, Marcus has been assisting apprentices with procreate and photography projects while learning how to make surveys. This internship has helped with Marcus’s interaction with people. “It’s been very fulfilling being able to pass down knowledge to new apprentices.”

Faith is our Foundations of Arts intern. She joined BYA because she has a passion for the arts. Faith has taught a class on color theory, and assisted the apprentices with their projects. During the internship, she has learned how to make google forms, teach a class, and prepare for art galleries. Faith has been with us for two sessions.