Summer Intern Reflections

As our virtual summer BYA program comes to an end, we like to express our deepest gratitude to our two interns. They have been with us this summer working behind the scenes to help everything run smoothly. They have been a great help and added a new flair to our group. Thank you to Alyssa Belizario and De’Najah Benson!

Alyssa Belizario

Morgan State Intern

Morgan State Intern

As an intern of BYA, I learned a lot about the background work of a company. I was an intern working under one of the directors (Leisha) and helped to make some changes in the worksheets given to the youth. I was taught a lot and got to experience what the youth do. I was able to get a first hand experience of what the youth learn and how welcoming the guest speakers and group leaders are with the youth. The classes available for the youth are very informative and give the youth a chance to put their best foot forward in this world.

What was your experience interning in the Summer program at BYA?

It was something I've never experienced. This was my first time working in administration and it was very informative. I was able to help behind the scenes with the templates the youth use, give insight on what is more relevant for the youth to learn for the summer and future times to come.

What new skills did you feel you learned over the summer, in terms of working at a youth organization, as well as working with your peers?

I was able to get more experience in the admin side of an organization. While working with my peers it gave me more insight on how the ongoing issues of the world affect the youth and how they try to use their voice to make positive changes for their future and the next generation.

What was the most positive thing in your experience of the program?

How much of a safe space BYA is for the youth and, although they might not all have the same ideology, they can freely express themselves. 

De’Najah Benson

Meet De’Najah Benson, a Bloomberg Arts Intern who worked with our Games Design group this summer. De’Najah assisted in facilitating group discussions and work sessions with youth in both Games group and Career Readiness as well as assist youth directly with their work.

What was your experience interning in the Summer program at BYA?

A very new experience. I’ve never created a game before. The role I had was new, (assistant teaching) with new people/peers. I had to adjust and learn to go with the flow. At first it was a little overwhelming, but I started to get used to it as the days went on and I actually had fun.

What new skills did you feel you learned over the summer, in terms of working at an arts organization, as well as working with your peers?

The leadership skill took me outside of my comfort zone. I’m used to playing my part, like in school. There were moments when I had to lead some discussions, activities as well as start discussions. I definitely gained more leadership skills. It was a little awkward assistant teaching peers my age but it was actually comfortable and there were no issues. There were respectful and responsible students in the group. 

What was the most positive thing in your experience of the program?

My biggest experiences came from the Wednesday discussions on various issue with Devin and the young people. The topics we talked about were really important.