SAP in Spotlight: Jewel

My name is Jewel Branch and I’m a 20-year old woman born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland. Aside from creating, I love reading, meditating, astrology, my family and friends, nature, learning, hugs and chocolate.

Jewel's Headshot.JPG

My creative identity is fluid and impermanent. I have been making art since elementary school, dabbling in visual arts, performing arts, written and digital art. Right now, I am stuck on collaging! My collages, which I turn into prints, are made from National Geographic magazines from the last few decades (the earliest copy I have used is from the 1960’s) up until recently (2016). I take images/text from these magazines, create a collage, upload the collage and edit them into prints.


My motivation and inspiration for creating art comes and goes. In the past, music has inspired me. I have made many collages inspired by a song I like or an album or musician. Though majority of the time, colors and patterns inspire me; I like to find images that look cohesive with similar patterns or color schemes, or just anything that I think looks appealing. I am trying to stray away from creating a narrative behind my pieces because I want people to realize that art does not/will not always have a reason or story or deeper meaning behind it.

My favorite BYA projects so far have been creating digital portraits on Adobe Illustrator in graphic design class, creating patterns and collages at home for mixed media class, and creating meditative mandalas in drawing class. BYA has had such a lasting, positive impact on me. I've had an amazing experience making and sharing art with my fellow peers, hearing their feedback and learning together. Also, our teachers and instructors are incredibly supportive and truly care and want us to succeed. I am so grateful for everyone I’ve met through the program and all of the help I’ve received. It has truly been a wonderful experience.



As I have mentioned before, my heart resides in this city. I don't plan on leaving until I've created the change that I want to see and have left a lasting, sustainable impact, which is what I'm working towards every single day. With my art and otherwise. I will do everything in my power to give back, uplift and empower my community during this lifetime. In the near future, I plan on gathering a group of people to volunteer with me at various locations throughout the city and hosting events to fundraise for different groups! Also, I look forward to traveling, experiencing, learning, eating, loving and making more art.



My art is available for sale on . Apply discount code “BYA” and you will get 10% off your order!